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1/4" Chips

3/8" Chips

1/2" Chips

3/8" Granite

1" Granite

2"- 4" Granite

High Performance Bedding
Small clear stone chip used underneath patio slabs and interlock brick. Requires minimal compaction.

Playground Stone
Used as a shock absorbing base in playgrounds.

Pea Stone
Pea stone is washed, round, clear stone. Can be used for sanitary sewer pipe bedding, under concrete, or as a decorative stone.

3/4" Clear Stone
The 3/4" clear stone has been washed and crushed. Typically it is used for drainage applications like a "French Drain", but it is also used for landscaping.

1'' Clear Stone
Commonly used for drainage piping and septic systems. Can also used for landscaping.

2" Clear Stone

2"- 4" Local Stone

2"- 10" Cobbles

Large stones that can be used for retaining walls or as decorative landscaping pieces.
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